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Monday, August 30, 2010 ~ 2:44 PM
my sweetest mistake.

I know you're reading this:

I'm happiest when I'm with you. From now on my most memorable places are: Bugis, Terminal 1, RWS Ruyi (counter between POS 1 and 2), Suntec, MBS, bus 28, PRP, practically anywhere with you.

*sigh* I accidentally brought home his jacket one day. Oddly enough, because of that jacket, I've had the best sleep I've ever had in weeks, heck, months. Call it weird, odd, queer, obsessed or whatever shit, the moment I hold that jacket close at night, I'll just drift off and fall asleep.

He makes me breathless every time he's near. He makes me want to tell him every thing about me that I've never told anybody. He makes me smile at the simplest things. *sigh*

I'm a little bit of crazy
I'm a little bit of a fool
I'm a little bit of all, oh I need a cure
Just a little bit of you.

*sigh* Shit. I miss him. Okay diverting my attention! Tomorrow's the start of a new module Freehand Drawing. Finally something interesting. Tomorrow also happens to be Teacher's Day and I seriously want to go back to CCSS to celebrate and visit but unfortunately for me, I have classes from 9-12. FCUK.

*sigh* I'M SOOOOO BORED! I'm in my living room and for some reason I feel so effing cold. My cold's back. WTFWTHFMLMLISBBQ!!!!

I'm on the edge of my seat, filling my head with imageries that will just stay in my head.

Don't let go. Otherwise I may just break apart.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 ~ 5:13 PM
my sweetest mistake.


Months of waiting has not gone to waste. After 6 lonely months of being alone, complication on our relationship, endless rumors, and shit, I am finally together with KM.

21st August was the day when it all happened. 5 am!! After that hour I've been smiling ever since. We went home after work together. He sent me all the way to my house! He even accompanied me for my typhoid vaccination. I seriously wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see our reflection in the MRT, our hands interlocked.

The next day we also went home together. I think before that I was waiting for him to finish his work so I fell asleep in the storeroom with Wai Haur then he eventually woke me up. So the usual happened. We boarded RWS8 but I fell asleep on his shoulder coz I was super tired. He took my hand and cupped my face just so I won't bang onto the window when the bus swerved. Took a cab @ Harbour Front and he asked the cab driver to send me off first. THAT'S WHEN THINGS GOT SO HEART-THUMPING FOR ME.

At first, our fingers were just interlocked, my head on his shoulder, his head on mine. All of the sudden he removed his hand and I thought I did something wrong then he put his right arm around my shoulders and his left on my waist. I SWEAR, I THOUGHT MY HEART WOULD JUST BURST WITH HAPPINESS RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Then before I left the cab, I don't know whether he pulled me close or I went towards him but we kissed. It was just a peck but WOW. Just a simple peck was enough to send me shooting to heaven.

Yesterday was awesome as well. Since Sunday night was our last night working in Sentosa (coz we're being transferred to T1), Tian Heng told this Toast Box girl that seemed to have had this unknown scandal with KM that he was leaving so she came to Ruyi to bid him farewell and whatever shit. I was in the storeroom when she arrived so I was taken aback to see them talking. So I just stayed at one side and kind of sulked, I guess. Then went I was walking home (we separated @Tanah Merah coz he was going to T1 to meet Ignatius), he told me "AISHITERU" and my heart melted in ways I never thought it could.

Then I smsed him to keep him company while he kept telling me to sleep.
(sms convo)
KM: I saw my gf sulking at the corner just now...
ME: Where got?
KM: Just now when the toast box girl came to ruyi
[I fell asleep so I'll skip some msgs]
ME: Ha? You still working?! [it was alr 8 pm]
KM: Yep. Hardworking. Hehehehe
ME: Aiyoh. Okay anot?
KM: More of hungry actually. Haha
ME: Want me to bring you food?
KM:Thank you! We leaving liao le. Hehe. You not sleeping?
ME: Thank you for? Haha. Can't sleep.
KM: For so caring ah :-) why cannot sleep? What is on your mind?
ME: You.
KM: My heart already melted into a puddle of water le. Don't evaporate it oh. *melts*

HE'S SOOOOOO SWEET~ It's so nice finding about this side of him.

Really, good things happen to those who wait.

Saturday, August 7, 2010 ~ 5:47 PM
my sweetest mistake.


Did night shift yesterday with Joyce and Robin with Kah Seng as the kitchen supervisor. FUCKING FUN MAN. We (me and KS) were like planning what to do on Thursday then Joyce said she wanted to come and drink with us as well. Then I told KS that he and Wai Haur will receive a $10 ang pao from the company coz it's their birthday.

THEN THE FUNNIEST THING HAPPENED! KS was going to fry some chopped onions and it seemed like he let the oil heat up for too long, so when he put in the onions, OIL STARTED GUSHING OUT OF THE POT! The oil over-flowed out of the pot and into the fire so there was this huge fire in the kitchen stove! When I told Robin there's fire in the kitchen, he paid no heed to me. Then when I told Joyce, you know what she said?! "OF COURSE LAH GOT FIRE. THEY COOKING WHAT!!"

Wah. Then after the fire died down KS, Yeong Fook and I looked at each other then I sang, "Happy Birthday!" and KS and I started laughing. The whole night was filled with bullshitting each other and what-not.


Last night was a good relief for me. A lot of things have been in my mind for God-knows-how-long. It's definitely nice to laugh every once in a while. *sigh*

I can't wait for Thursday to come. I want it to come faster for me to lose myself for once.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 ~ 3:52 AM
my sweetest mistake.

I seriously don't understand myself sometimes. Like why do I have such a weak immune system, why I think fire is so cool, why I think Miley Cyrus is a bitch, and why I always start to emo at this time of the day... *sigh* Seriously. If you opened a dictionary and searched the word "uncouth" you' definitely see a picture of me there.

Life has been all but interesting as always. Haven't been in school for almost 2 weeks now. Not that I'm skipping on purpose but my health seems to be deteriorating everyday. *sigh* Seems like a punishment for all the selfish things I've done in my life. Such a worthy act indeed.

*sigh* Well the past weekend was fun. Went to work as always except KM wasn't there coz he went to Malaysia for a 3 day holiday. Anyway I just kept talking to the usual people like Jaggi, Wai Haur, Joyce, Ming Kwang, Ecal, Naddy and shockingly, even Kah Seng.

Truth be told, I'm spending alot of time now with KS. I mean not outside of work but during work hours. We'd be like smoking every 1 hour together and just talking shit with Jaggi. Super duper fun. I'm myself when I'm around the both of them. *sigh* Me and KS are super psyched that our birthdays are coming soon (mine's next Thursday and his is next next Monday) We even planned to celebrate it together with Wai Haur (his is on the 8th) but I have different plans.

I feel like I'm putting on a barrier upon myself once again. I've been hearing that people from my class are making rumors about why I haven't been in school lately. Was seriously in tears when I heard that. I hate these kind of people. WHY MAKE UP RUMORS JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY? PLEASE LAH. YOU'RE IN POLY ALREADY. STOP ACTING LIKE SECONDARY SCHOOL KIDS.


NAME: Jemimah
Age: 19-ish
Email: ask and it shall be given
popped out of my mom on the 12th of August.
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