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Saturday, November 29, 2008 ~ 11:49 PM
my sweetest mistake.

yay. i'm back. BLECH. it's not like i went anywhere.

anyway really REALLY happy today because, yay! HE'S COMING HOME!!!!!

so yeah.. REALLY HAPPY!

talked to him yesterday and yeah... aside from him totally destroying my nice streak of winning in poker, i just talked to him and he told me the great news...

and i was REALLY happy...

i don't know how manny times i've said the word "happy"

anyway yeah, today was very tiring!

it was ru wei's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RU WEI!

we watched City of Ember

it was a very very VERY nice movie!!

at first it was boring but it became quite nice...


then went to church with danah, troy and jun wei.

they watched me practice...

troy left first, then danah, then jun wei left at around 7-ish...


i'm not sure whether he's going online today...

but nevermind...


Friday, November 28, 2008 ~ 9:25 PM
my sweetest mistake.

wow.. it's november 28...

dunnoe what's the occasion.. just wanted to say wow...


so yesterday...

didn't do anything much except completely and totally annihilate my brother in poker and blackjack..

the score was like (25-5) and (26-21)

hahaha... i rule. LOL

anyway i talked to him last night (this morning.. blah)...

it was nice...

he had his webcam so yeah... FINALLY SAW HIS FACE AFTER A LONG TIME.

we were both bummed *mostly me* about him not being able to go home because of all those riots going on... stupid protesters... you just had to have a riot this week

blah... so yeah we just talked until 3.35 am...

afterwards i just slumped into my bed and eventually fell asleep...

then this morning i woke up because someone was wacking my head with a pillow...

then my brother was like, "OMG!!! HOW DEEP CAN YOU SLEEP?!?! i tried shaking you, i tried kicking you, i even slapped your face and you still won't wake up!!!"

sorry... once i sleep i need my 8 hrs of rest...

i'm surprised my bro had the guts to wake me... nobody does...

my cousin said since my blood type's AB i have low blood pressure, so i'm scary in the morning... it doesn't really make sense so whatever...

blah.... got sidetracked...

didn't do much today coz te house was pretty much clean from yesterday [can't say the same thing about my room though]

so yeah blah. really bored right now actually...

kept playing with my hair the whole day...

then tried cooking fried rice... i just added everything i could find and it tasted quite nicely...

thank you for oyster sauce...


Thursday, November 27, 2008 ~ 11:37 AM
my sweetest mistake.

okay... it's a little early for me to be blogging but i had this really wacked dream last night...

i dreamt that i was together with JUSTUS TOH. super sorry danah!! i'm just as shocked as you!

so yeah the setting of the dream was that i was in some weird school *definitely not chai chee because the place was HUGE*

anyway me and grace were walking around the school then we saw justus with some boys *i think ronald was in that group*

then the two of us *me and justus* looked at each other then we just approached each other then before i know it, i'm calling him BABY.


so yeah then the setting changed and we were having a CAMP at some uber cool RESORT.

then the teacher said, "We'll be different from all the other classes/groups. Tomorrow we'll do the introductions and all that shit. Today, WE PARTYYY!!!"

so yeah, out with the shirts and shorts, in with bikinis and trunks...

everybody was partying like hell man!


so yeah, bummed we went there in our bikinis and trunks.

then upon reaching the cabin, we finally realized something. WE WERE GONNA HAVE OUR BIO SPA RIGHT THERE AND THEN!!!


ok yeah woke up...

when i woke up i was like, "HA?!?! JUSTUS?!?!"

okkk.. weird... i only have one guy i love ok...

and that's HIM. *not him- justus. him-HIM*


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 ~ 8:40 PM
my sweetest mistake.

bleh... for some reason i wanted to post this photo

to POCH...

thanks for being there for me whenever i need ya!!

thanks for sticking out for me no matter how bitchy i may be...

also thanks for not believing any of those rumors in school...

next time let's take a photo with tweet. [poch, tweet, and ming]

miss ya sooooo much!!!!

take care always!!


~ 7:35 PM
my sweetest mistake.

okay i'm officially bored man...

didn't do much the whole day...

except clean the house and watch Big Bang gags on youtube

they're quite funny i guess...


he's so freakin hot man...


so cute...

like his hair now... it's long..

in the video I'm sorry by Gummy (feat. TOP)

he had this kissing scene with Sandara Park...

wow.. she looks thinner and prettier than the last time i saw her *which was a looooooong time ago*

he's just so hot!!

then i saw a pic of him when he was young... hahaha

he looked so FREAKIN FAT!!! see??
hahaha!! who would've ever thought that from this^^
he'd become this^^ hot?!?!?!

he's like the gift to all women in the world...

anyway yeah... keeping my mind on TOP kept me from missing HIM too much...


totally sucks...

i miss him so so much!!

shoutout of the day: once again... I MISS YOU!!! COME HOME PLEASE?

Monday, November 24, 2008 ~ 9:06 PM
my sweetest mistake.


this day sucked... PERIOD

oh yeah. btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!

you're old now! imagine one day you're 27 and the next day people will call ya "uncle" LOL


listening again to Muttons to Midnight

haiizz... why is it that everytime i think of you i can't help but tear up?

If i should stay
I'll only be in your way
So I'll go
But I know
I'll think of you every step of the way..

okay i know all you people might be thinking "OMFG! he's just another boy. you'll get over him like you've always done"

i don't know but for some reason i just want to love only him...

just him no one else...

i feel happy knowing he feels something for me because i never thought that he'd feel that way towards me...

then it's like i've accepted the fact that i adulate him so much...

you see the whole day unknowingly i always ended up thinking about him...

okay i'm not obsessed with him or whatever...

i just find myself thinking about him...


shoutout: I MISS YOU TOO MUCH... it's beginning to be unhealthy

~ 4:00 PM
my sweetest mistake.


haven't been blogging much coz well, wasn't feeling well..

anyway i've just been waiting for him to sms me...

unfortunately, HE HASN'T.

beginning to worry actually.

anyway i wouldn't want him to think that i'm so paranoid or blah.

been really lonely nowadays...

tis quite weird actually coz i've lost 5 pounds... (that's approximately 2.3 kilos)

it's weird coz normally when i'm depressed i gain alot of pounds...

haa.. dunnoe whether i should be happy or disturbed though...


shoutout of the day: I MISS YOU SO MUCH. DO YOU?

Saturday, November 22, 2008 ~ 10:00 PM
my sweetest mistake.

halo! just got back from plaza singapura...

watched Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa...

i didn't blog yesterday coz i was just fuckin pissed...

we had open house yesterday so yeah needed to go to school

anyway it sucked coz only 5 families came then we had to stay in school from 9-3 pm.

wtf right?!

so yeah, went to computer lab to finish sdma video.

then johnnie said, "eh you asshole! i thought you said you're gonna help danah they all edit?!"

then i told him that i said i'd TRY i didn't said i will...

fortunately enough danah defended me.

so did the sdma thingy again then got scolded by johnnie somemore.

even ern scolds me.

so yeah amidst all those scolding, punches and slaps i got from all those people i tried to keep my anger low.

so yeah i eventually shouted at ern coz he was scolding me about something so yeah. i got angry.

coz it's like very unfair for me.

i made the storyboard, i gave them the idea, i edited the whole fucking video then what do i get? people scolding me just because they're all stressed out

and now i read people saying that i just fucking vented out my anger irregardless of how they feel?!


i have no right to get angry anymore isit?!

wth... just because i get frustrated doesn't mean that i'm fucking blaming you!

what the hell...

today pretty much fuckin sucked as well...

my mom kept scolding me just because i keep shouting at my brother.

well dammit i'm sorry ok?!?!

sorry for not being the perfect child like him...

sorry for not doing well on my studies just like he did!!!

what the hell...

why is everybody getting angry at me when i didn't do anything wrong?!

ok, i do what you want me to do just to make you happy and then you end up scolding me for small mistakes i've done!?!

what the hell...

shoutout of the day: FUCK OFF. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU.

Thursday, November 20, 2008 ~ 11:14 PM
my sweetest mistake.


today was as usual, A TOTAL BORE..

it's a good thing i wasted half of my day sleeping... pig right?

it's coz i slept at 6 am last night *i was waiting for him but he never online-d... i have officially read ALL shoujo mangas in onemanga.com*

i changed my cbox coz- uh- i also don't know why i changed it... *sense of urgency?*

anyway i was listening to MUTTONS TO MIDNIGHT. [love justin ang]

then they had this "Tickle my mutton" segment...

anyway the joke goes like this:

There was this psychiatrist and he was having a session with four moms *with their children*
He looked at each one of them and said, "All of you have obsessions!"
He went to the first mom and said, "You are obsessed with food because you named your child CANDY."
He looked at the 2nd mom and said "You are obsessed with money. This reflects on your child's name as you named her PENNY."
He went to the third mom and said, "You are obsessed with alchohol. Once again it reflects on your child's name which is BRANDY."
Before the pyschiatrist could talk to the 4th mother, she stood up, took her son's hand and said, "Eh DICK! Let's run for it!"

i guess it was QUITE funny...

anyway really bored now...


it's a book eugene asked me to read. bleh. asshole. he said something about the book making me understand more about love.

bleh. so yeah. REAALLLY BORED right now..

i thought today was friday..

i woke up at 10 then i panicked coz i thought i was late for open house.

so i was running here and there when my brother woke up and asked what was wrong.

i told him and he wacked me in the head and said, "DUMBASS! IT'S THURSDAY, IDIOT!"

so after he said that i went to my room, changed clothes and stranggled my teddy bear.

it's one of my what-day-is-it-today kind of days...

shoutout of the day *i'm too lazy to type now*: WAITING FOR YOU TO RETURN

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ~ 6:26 PM
my sweetest mistake.

ok blah... i have no idea what to post...

i went to school today to set up the choir booth for open house on friday.

set the thing up with yin chia and cynthia.

we had alot of fun i guess, teasing cynthia..

hahaha... then we saw this funny photo of nitipat during our sec three camp. *it was located at the STUDENT LEADERS area... weird right?!*

so yeah blah, this is our table. cute right?!
and this is our board. it was quite fun making all those colourful thingies there..

so yeah we left at around three something then saw ern and xiang in the bus.

they were sitting in front so i sat behind. [ha!]

so yeah while i was behind i was kinda emo-ing i guess..

i was feeling crappy *miss someone too much* then it started to rain *cool right! RIGHT ON CUE MAN!*

so yeah bought mcd's vanilla milkshake which was SOOO not milkshake-ish.

it was like ice cream in a cup. i know i like sweet things but i have my limit.

anyway ern was like bullying me and stuff. i do not have small intelect ok? so mean...

so yeah arrived at home and am slacking...

i have absolutely nothing to do except stare at the ceiling...

since i have nothing to write i decided to write what i want during my wake/ funeral *for future reference*

theme: COLORFUL! put hearts and whatever... *like the choir booth*
clothes: BLACK and RED! oh yes... i want a HELENA-ish theme... [watch Helena- MCR for more details]
food: ermm... all my favorite food! STRAWBERRY POCKY! peking duck, sweet and sour fish *must import from Shanghai! their fish rocks*, italian and japanese cuisines...
drinks: RIBENA! what? i like it... it's my funeral so fuck off..

oh yeah. PPL! do not gamble on my funeral ah... if you do, i'll haunt you to the point that you'll want to exorcise me...

OK! i have my funeral planned..

i know i'm lame but i like to plan ahead of time.. HAHAHAHAH!!

shoutout of the day: COME BACK SOON. I MISS YOU TOO MUCH!

Sunday, November 16, 2008 ~ 5:27 PM
my sweetest mistake.

ok!!! here are some photos i promised to post but never got the chance to!

holly's birthday!!
this was during the time japanese students went to school:

~ 2:54 PM
my sweetest mistake.

well once again it's been quite some time since i last blogged...

well nothing much has been happening to me...

bleh... it's currently 2. 57 pm...

HIS plane for bangkok will leave at 3.30 pm...

won't hear his voice for a week... [so depressed...]

this sucks man!!

i'll miss you dear...

bleh... i can't really feel my fingers coz of practice ystd...


eugene, fabian, jensen, patsy, kenneth and the twins (along with some other ppl) went to my house for my brother's "graduation celebration"

anyway the first 3 knows about me and "ahem" so yeah, they know.

the first thing that eugene said when he came to my house and my room was "where're you diaries?" *eugene you're such an ass... anyway you're still such a good friend*

they were searching everything for love letters and such...

anyway it was a lot of fun coz we played with the babies, made fun of eugene, planned for the church camp and all..

to top it all off, he called me so it was really peachy...

so ok blah.. not significant...

i just really miss him!!

it's gonna be a long week without talking to him or even smsing him...

thank goodness for msn...

hopefully i'll find something to occupy my time whilst he's not here...

*sigh* really bummed about him going to bangkok but hey, big boy's gotta fly... i have no idea what the fuck that means but there it goes...


Friday, November 7, 2008 ~ 5:38 PM
my sweetest mistake.

yo! it's been a long time since i blogged!! *anyone miss me? nahhh..*

yesterday was quite awesome..

went to johor *school trip*

so yeah i was inside the the bus sitting next to danah...

we were listening to 98.7 and the djs were sun F.U.N.

so yeah we were at johor.. we ate this dolly parton pau! it was friggin huge!!!

anyway after that all i can remember was going to this pineapple farm, fruit plantation and this fish- thingy... and had lunch...

so yeah after that got kinda lonely coz danah went with the 3eb people so went back to the bus by myself...

walked there with yi zhong who was ,thankfully, the only person who continued to keep me entertained the whole day!

so yeah me, yuichi and azhar played with some thingies that looked like cherry bombs... smaller and less harmful though...

i only played for a while coz those two idiots were ganging up on me and kept throwing it towards me...

so after screaming defeat, i went back inside the bus and sat beside yi zhong at the back..

so we just talked and blah..

talked to yi zhong, wei jian, nigel, jordy, nizam, kai xiang, and zhi han...

quite fun i guess...

so yeah i eventually ended up sitting beside kai xiang...

we were just talking about some things...

anyway we went to this royal palace museum thingy and we had to take our shoes off...

so being the lazy bum that i was i asked somebody to hold my shoes for me... so kai xiang carried it for me *aaaw... thanks!*

anyway the place was wicked cool in it's own way i guess...

for some reason i got separated from xiang and ended up with yi zhong...

before i knew it we were out already and i didn't have my shoes with me!!

so i waited for xiang and just took some photos with danah and holly at some huge white cup at the garden...

then xiang, benson and nigel came down to where we were..

my pants kept dropping so i asked benson and nigel if i can borrow their belt but they wouldn't lend me... *so mean right?!?!?!*

so yay kai xiang to the rescue he lent me his belt... *yay!!*

anyway we were on our way back to s'pore (still sitting beside kai xiang ok?)

i eventually fell asleep then for some reason wei jian woke me up and they were all just laughing...

ok so i wasn't in a mood to sleep anymore so i didn't sleep until we reached school..

so yeah kai xiang sent me home and blah...

i smsed jian and asked him why he woke me up so he said, "Lol no la cuz when you sleep your head and kai xiang head going to knock"

okk... weird...

anyway everything was quite good i guess except for the latter part..

felt empty and used afterwards...

anyway it seems like muffin used me again and blah...


i feel like banging my head to the wall as many times as he used me...

i just can't prevent myself from saying "yes" to him...

so yeah i'm kinda hanging by the edge right now...

i do hope my life will be better soon...


~ 1:09 PM
my sweetest mistake.

yay! it's one of ern's tagged quizes!

1)Whats your full name?
Jemimah Ira Mendoza Dominguez Ortiz Yao Bulseco Tabalada.. (long right?!)

2)Do you like your first name?
I guess... Jemimah's a girls's name, Ira's a guy's name...

3)How long have you liked the person you currently like?
That's for me to know i guess....

4)Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?

5)Did you cry today?

6)What are you doing this morning at 8am?
watching tv...

7)What are you doing an hour ago?
Using com? reading some things...

8)What are you currently doing?
typing! (obviously)

9)Who last texted you a msg?
Ermmm... i think it was Wei jian...

10)Have to told anybody that you love them today?
Nah... there's no one to love man!

11)Do you miss anyone now?
Yeah. Can't say who!! *RESTRICTED AREA!!!*

12)Any plans for tomorrow?
Kiss my future goodbye

13)What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
confusion? irritation?

14)Is there anyone you want to be with now?
Yeah... (duh!)

15)Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C ?

16)Name someone who made you smile today, how?
no one reaLly...

7)Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'
Zaidan?? he's the first name that came to my mind..

18)Which of your friend stays closest to you?
Ern, Warangkana....

19)Do you prefer to call or to text?
text! it relaxes my thumb!

20)Was yesterday better than today?
more or less...

21)Can you live a day without tv and your phone?
tv can.. phone can't

22)Are you mad about anything now?
yeah... i have a lot of things in my mind

23)Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it?
some are... if you find the right guy then it's pretty much worth it...

24)Last person you visited in a hospital?
nooott.. sure...

25)When is your last and second last hug?
i think it was yesterday...

26)What does the last text msg in your inbox says?
WEI JIAN: no la cuz when you sleep your head and kai xiang head going to knock..

27)How do you feel about your life now?
Yesterday i felt loved, today i feel used, tomorrow i shall jump off a building...

28)Do you hate anyone?
i hate a lot of people..

29)Last person you called?
my mom?

30)Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth?
i think it's nitipat...

31)Is your room messy now?

32)Who will be mad if your room is messy?
my mom...

33)Your shortest relationship?
hmmm... 2 weeks and 1 day

34)Who do you look like?
i dunnoe... my mom and dad COMBINED!!! lol

35)Tag 10 people to do this survey!
-grace yong!!!

NAME: Jemimah
Age: 19-ish
Email: ask and it shall be given
popped out of my mom on the 12th of August.
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