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Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ~ 2:22 AM
my sweetest mistake.


it's been a long time since i last posted!!!

probably because everyday i always feel like posting but when i open my com, i suddenly forget the words to say!!

lol.. so yeah now i'm posting rather early now..


most people will have absolutely nothing to say at this time of the day... but i guess i do...

ok... i totally forgot what i was gonna type...

okkk.... i'm trying to remember...


my conversation with ronald!!

hehehe.... we were talking from 11 to 2. 20...

quite fun to talk to him...

coz we both play the guitar then we just like the same things...


so yeah. we decided that after o's, syafiq, ronald and i will just hang out and play some music together!!

quite happy i guess coz it's been so long since i last jammed with somebody...

anyway our conversation was so wacked.

it went from guitars to chords to smoking to huskies to kang then to chords again to life after o's to the three of us jamming (with syafiq as the singer! WOOTS!) to smoking again to jamming at my house!!

it was fun i guess...

was super duper high!!!

guess it's been so long since i last talked to someobody who had the same interests as me and can understand what i'm talking about...

blah... well i guess i'll post again later... (if i can remember)

shoutout: I WANT JUST ONE STICK TO PUFF! IS THAT A CRIME?!?!!?! actually it is...

Saturday, October 18, 2008 ~ 4:34 PM
my sweetest mistake.

blah. yesterday was the graduation party!!!

omg!!! it was so weird man!

so me and sudhanshi were the emcees.

then the seniors came in and blah. let's fast-forward shall we?

okay game time:

me and qi feng handled 4ea.

i was standing beside mrs siva then ronald and gang were on my right.

then ronald was like, "eh!!! don't go there sia!! oy kelvin!!!"

then nigel was like, "oy kang! KANG! STAND HERE LE! FASTER LA KANG!!!!"

i didn't know how to react so i just blushed i guess..

so game ended then i was explainin what was the purpose of the game then ronald blew the horn on my ear! FUCKER

anyway programme continued the last portion!!!

me and byzura sang!!!

so the song was about to start then i happened to look at syafiq then he had his arm around kk then he was pointin at him!!!

so the 4ea was like, "JEMIMAH!!! FOR KELVIN MAN!!"

OMG!!! i was like so embarassed!!!

blah. so afterwards i asked syafiq why he did that then he was like, "oh? i wanted to inspire you what!"

blah. so yeah yesterday was shahrie's bye2 party.

couldn't go coz i had to follow mr kei to bedok green to take photos of the teacher's games.

hahah... saw mr tan playin soccer!!

he was pretty good man!

anyway kinda have a headache from all the problem that someone has been causing me.

shoutout: I MUST STAY AWAY FROM A CERTAIN SOMEONE NOW. to stop feelings from arising.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 ~ 12:45 PM
my sweetest mistake.

more photos i guess... all of us at cafe cartel...
another photo this time ern's too busy eating to pose.
why are you taking a photo of me? i want to eat
i love my spaghetti and it loves me! :)
*ahem* i want to eat.
food. dunnoe who's though
i don't care anymore! i want my food!
happy holly!
still eating guannie...
johnnie looks and is upset.
"loves" my burger
heni... eating!!!
want to eat eat eat!
stop la!!!

still eating... *haiii!!!*

~ 12:15 PM
my sweetest mistake.

this blog is all photos... hehehe HOT SEX!!!
best friends forever!!! ronnie love barney!!!
hehehe.. secretly taken.. SHHHHH... he's enjoying the trip to orchard...
attempted photo with ern...
ern looks gay...
happy people?
hahah... serious now...
we're blur...
yay! photo one!!!
photo number 2!
hehehe.. ATTACKKKK!!!!
me and poch... hehehe
weirdos... lol!
we all love barney!!!
the weirdest people in the world..
how come i'm not in the photo ah? unfair le...
i join but still cannot see... LOUSY!


~ 11:19 AM
my sweetest mistake.

omg... this day has been pretty hectic.

didn't come to school on tuesday coz i just didn't want to see that fucking asshole.

anyway wednesday almost came late coz i woke up at 7am.. so rush rush, die die, still must come to school.

blah.. anyway quite scared coz of my a-maths. blah. everything all because of maths..

blah... anyway today early morning helped with the preparation for the graduation party tomorrow...

blah... mr chia just scolded us saying everybody in infocomm not very committed.. blah... all those stuff...

anyway what really pissed me off was that when i was going to the com lab, i happened to meet that asshole on the stairs.

i was about to tell him about the date for the bio spa the when i was talking, he put his finger on his ears indicating that he didn't want to listen.


what the bloody hell is his fucking problem?!?!?!

i mean i didn't do anything but try to be on his damn good side!!!

*sigh* it's just so damn bloody irritating...

bleh.. he's not worth my time getting angry over...


ok.. after all that ranting and endless vulgarities i have said has cooled me down...


saw the grad video... so happy!!!

got alot of photos of ______!!!


having course now...

quite fun actually...


anyway it's damn cold... very very cold..

i'll go blog again later..

want to pay attention..


for once in my life i'll pay attention...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ~ 6:01 PM
my sweetest mistake.

Es nunca fácil enamorándose de usted...

Es olvidar nunca fácil mi amor...

Quiero odiarle pero yo can't..

Quiero nunca hablar con usted otra vez pero yo can't..

Duele verle sabiendo que usted nunca quiere verme otra vez...

Si solamente puedo gastar sólo un día con usted...

Entonces quizá usted sabrá que fuimos significados uno por el otro.

Saturday, October 11, 2008 ~ 2:17 PM
my sweetest mistake.

it's saturday and i slept like a log...

slept till 11 am...

anyway, i'm really bored...

been beggin my brother to buy me food but he ended up slamming the door to my face *fucker*

anyway dreamt about KK... *-_______-*

let's make this post all about him:

i don't know what to do.
i'm torn in two..
i can't seem to tell you how i feel..
don't know if this love i feel is real.

i'm dying deep inside
want to say the feelings that i hide.
but i can't find the words to say
here it goes, wait a minute please stay

all i want to do is to hold you tight
want to feel you close beneath the clear blue night
i want to lose my self in you
tell me do you feel the same way too?

so i'm back to square one again
can't seem to tell you my feelings in the end
oh please wait, don't say adieu
listen this song is for you

i've felt the pains of love before
didn't want to feel it anymore
kept my love for you for too long
stop, don't go, please listen to this song


want to hold you close and never let go
my love is true, just wanted you to know

wait, don't leave won't you please stay?
no don't run, don't go away
why'd you leave? why break my heart?
maybe you weren't the one right from the start...

blah... i make very bad songs i know...

but it's just some spontaneous thing..

i'm sorry for making you lose face.

i'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of everybody.

maybe it would've been better if i never confessed to you..

i want to like you but i can't.

i want to blame you but i can't

sorry. i'm just sorry...

shoutout of the day: AT LEAST OUT LOUD, I WON'T SAY I'M IN LOVE anymore

Friday, October 10, 2008 ~ 11:17 PM
my sweetest mistake.

yay!!!! NO MORE EXAMS!!!!

i was planning on flooding my whole blog with stories of crap... but then i just feel like being appreciative to the people who are around me...

there's DANAH..
the weird, funny, energetic friend that i have...
she's like the younger sister i never had...

next GUANNIE..
the independent, outspoken and wide-vocabulary guy...
everytime i'm around him i feel like throwing choco baby at people with him *hehehe... our lil secret*

then i really miss WYN..
he's so random but it's like he knows how and when to cheer people up when they're down..
i miss that kind of positive energy in my life...

there's SAMMIE..
i know she can be childish at times but she's very fun to be with...
i feel very mature around her *hoho*

there's also SUDHANSHI...
she's very very fun to be with... when i'm with her i feel like i've got so many things to talk about...

there's also HOLLY..
she's my very very very good friend...
i can tell her everything and she doesn't judge me for it...

hmmm... next is NITIPAT..
i know he's an asshole but he's the only guy who's around the same age as me *in 3ea* that i feel comfortable around with...

i'm just hapy that i met them.. thanks for coming into my life and showing me what friendship really means...

NAME: Jemimah
Age: 19-ish
Email: ask and it shall be given
popped out of my mom on the 12th of August.
don't like my blog? JUST PRESS CLOSE.
i'll tell you what you want to know about me so long as you don't spam, or do anything disrespectful... >< Hit CountersDoes Provillus Work?

new lappy
Gibson Les Paul guitar
new amps


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